Yeppers, Ants, Chinch Bug, White Grubs and Ticks in one treatment. Let's keep it simple!
This program is available as a Half (90 days) or Full (180 days) plan. Each treatment consists of multiple products with varying modes of action that provide a full, curative & preventative solution.
Please note - These applications are intended for controlling pests throughout your lawn and property border but do not include Home Intrusion Protection. Pricing is based on the square footage of the treated area.
A Home Protection Program that deters, knocks down and prevents Rodents, Ants, Spiders, Ticks and other insects can be combined with this program or purchased separately. Pricing is based on a perimeter measurement.
Fire Ants - Depending on the severity of the infestation - I also recommend Bait Traps around the property.
Chinch Bug - If your main objective is to eliminate Chinch bugs and knock down Ant and Tick populations early in the season - the 90-day treatment would work as this is timed as Chinch Bugs appear in June and will last throughout the majority of the summer months.
Curative Treatments are used to knock down existing populations at the right time however most do not have any substantial residual effect in the soil.
Preventative Treatments focus more on introducing predatory species (Bacteria/Nematodes are examples) into the soil to eliminate target pests.
The first application would be in June and the second, in August into September.
Please state if you are looking for:
- The Lawn, Grounds and Property Program?
- Full Home Protection Program (Home perimeter)?
- or both?
And then follow the link here!
Weed control applications are FULL AREA broadcast - not spot treatments. This means that any susceptible type of weed or weedy grass will be affected.
Applications also include Fall Fertilization, Liquid Calcium, Humates, Kelp, Bio-Fertilizers, Silica, natural surfactants and a micronutrient package.