Excuse the pun... but Invasive Species are a growing problem in Nova Scotia. What's worse is - we're not winning the battle.
Alien Invasive Species present numerous problems to our environment:
- Dangerous to Human Health
- Can cause severe Property and Infrastructure damage
- Extreme impact on Soil Degradation and Erosion
- Native Species Extinction
- Reduced property values
- Unusable spaces
- Disrupt infrastructure such as waterways and drains - creating flooding
- Major risk to biodiversity - negatively affecting our native ecosystem.
Methods and Duration of Control Programs
There is no one solution or method to controlling invasive species. It is highly dependent on the target species, the location and the environment they are growing in.
Control Programs are all customized, including a predicted timeline for effective control as well as tools used.
Programs can run from a season to 5 years and in some cases - ongoing, yearly maintenance might be needed.
Weed control applications are FULL AREA broadcast - not spot treatments. This means that any susceptible type of weed or weedy grass will be affected.
Applications also include Fall Fertilization, Liquid Calcium, Humates, Kelp, Bio-Fertilizers, Silica, natural surfactants and a micronutrient package.